Eating For Your Blood Type Improves Health
The book “Eat Right For Your Type” by Dr. Peter J. D’Adamo says that eating for your blood type improves your health. The people that introduced me to the book say it has improved their lives greatly. From the back cover of the book:
If your blood type is O:
Eat meat (high protein, low carbohydrate).
Cut out wheat and most other grains.
Engage in vigorous aerobic exercise.
Your risk factors for ulcers and inflammatory diseases such as arthritis increase if you eat incorrectly for your type.
If your blood type is A:
You should be a vegetarian (high carbohydrate, low fat).
Engage in gentle exercise such as yoga or golf.
Meditate to deal with stress.
Your risk factors for cancer and heart disease increase if you eat incorrectly for your type.
If your blood type is B:
You should have the most varied diet of all the blood types, one including meat; yours is the only blood type that does well with dairy products.
Engage in exercise such as moderate swimming or walking.
Your risk for slow-growing viruses that attack the nervous system increases if you eat incorrectly for your type.
If your blood type is AB:
You have most of the benefits and intolerances of types A and B.
Engage in calming exercises and relaxation techniques.
You have the friendliest immune system of all the blood types.